Protect Your Brain and Heart: Why You Should Be Eating MORE Anthocyanins
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – According to recent estimates, over 5.8 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. As the population ages, the percentage of people affected by this debilitating…
Oxidized Cholesterol and Alzheimer’s Disease
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM via NutritionFacts – Oxidized cholesterol can be a hundred times more toxic than regular cholesterol, raising additional concerns about foods such as ghee, canned tuna, processed meat, and…
Brand-New Research Suggests High-Fiber Foods Reduce Dementia Risk
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – With its disabling loss of cognition, judgment, and memory, dementia is a truly devastating condition. And it is becoming more widespread. Alzheimer’s disease – the most…
- Archive, Gut Health, Health Advances, Health Disruptors, Mental Health, Neuroscience Advances, Studies
What is Nutritional Psychiatry?
Joelle Hanson-Baiden, BSc via News-Medical – Nutritional psychiatry is the practice of using food and food supplements as alternative treatments for mental health disorders. Most current treatments for mental health disorders –…
Dementia: How to Prevent Cognitive Decline
Universite de Montreal via Newswise – Physical activity, nutrition and cognitively stimulating activities are all known to be good ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. And older adults at risk can…
NEW STUDY Shows Listening to Emotionally Significant Songs Improves Cognitive Function
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia continue to impact a tragic number of people throughout the United States. Over 6.5 million Americans are currently affected…
A Book-Filled Childhood Prevents Later Cognitive Decline
Abigail Klein Leichman via Israel21c – Books intrigue and delight children, and now we know they may also help those children preserve cognitive functioning into old age. Growing up in a book-filled…
The Answer to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Is All in Your Eyes
Brian Blum via Israel21c – “Look into my eyes. What do you see?” the man says to his wife. “I see Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS,” she replies. Not the most romantic interchange.…
Exercise Alters Brain Chemistry to Protect Aging Synapses
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) via Newswise – When elderly people stay active, their brains have more of a class of proteins that enhances the connections between neurons to maintain healthy…
Targeting the Brain Should Be the Focus of ALS Therapy, Not Just Spinal Cord
Northwestern University via News-Medical – The brain is indeed a target for treating ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered. This flips a long-standing belief that the disease starts in…
Does Estrogen Protect Against the Risk of Brain Shrinkage?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) via Newswise – MINNEAPOLIS – A new study found that people with higher cumulative estrogen exposure over their lifetime had greater brain volumes and fewer indicators of…
Potential ALS Drug Gets Boost Toward Preclinical Trials
Abigail Klein Leichman via Israel21c – A new class of small molecules for treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases, is being developed at…
Could Oxygen Therapy Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease?
Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman via Jerusalem Post – For the first time, a non-pharmaceutical clinical trial has proven effective in reversing the main activators of Alzheimer’s disease, according to Tel Aviv University’s…
Dance Training With Music Can Slow the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease
York University via News-Medical – A new study published in Brain Sciences today, shows patients with mild-to-moderate Parkinson’s disease (PD) can slow the progress of the disease by participating in dance…
Component Derived from Turmeric Essential Oil Exhibits Neuroprotective Effects
Kumamoto University via News-Medical – Researchers from Kumamoto University, Japan have found that a component derived from turmeric essential oil, aromatic turmerone (ar-turmerone), and its derivatives act directly on dopaminergic nerves…