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Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer (Non-Alcoholic)

Dr. Don Colbert – If warmer weather has you wanting a new summer drink, we’ve got a delicious non-alcoholic, low-carbohydrate spritzer for you: Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer. Not only will it keep you in the Keto Zone, but it will also deliver great nutrients that promote whole-body health. What’s more, it’s a beautiful and perfect choice for a brunch. Get ready for sparkling refreshment to brighten your day. Make our Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer!

Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer (Non-Alcoholic)

  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1/2 cup low-carb sweetener such as erythritol (or your favorite)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice (bottled or fresh)
  • sparkling mineral water


  1. First, make the Keto Zone simple syrup: In a small saucepan, place raspberries, sweetener of choice, and water. Heat on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a gentle simmer, then mash berries using a potato masher. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
  2. Using a fine-mesh sieve, strain liquid into a bowl or jar. Press as much liquid as you can out of the berries using the back of a spoon against the sieve. Discard any remaining berries or use them for another application.
  3. Add lemon juice to the berry mixture, stir to combine.
  4. To serve, pour 2 tablespoons of this keto syrup into the bottom of a glass. Add ice, and pour sparkling water over the ice. Garnish with a lemon slice and/or fresh berries. Enjoy!
  5. Optionally, try different berries such as blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, or blackberries. Add basil leaves, mint, or other herbs when making the keto simple syrup.

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer

1. Lemon Juice Offers Many Nutrients in a Low-Carb, Low-Calorie Juice
Lemons contain powerful nutrients, packed in a low-carb, low-calorie fruit. In fact, the juice from ½ lemon contains just (1):

  • 6 calories
  • 2 grams carbohydrates
  • 0.1 gram protein
  • 0 grams fat
  • 0.1 gram dietary fiber
  • 10.8 milligrams vitamin C (18 percent DV)

In this low-carb package, you’ll also receive a small amount of thiamin, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, and copper.

Together, these nutrients provide the many benefits of lemons benefits listed below.

2. Berries Have High Levels of Antioxidants
Berries are one of the best antioxidant sources in the human diet. Whether blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or cranberries, their distinct color indicates high levels of antioxidants.

The antioxidants in raspberries fight oxidative stress in the body, which can reduce oxidized cholesterol and damage from free radicals.

3. Lemons Support the Immune System
Let’s start with Vitamin C in lemon juice. This water-soluble vitamin has been linked to immune health, and a reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress.

In fact, one review showed that adequate vitamin C could reduce the duration of common colds and respiratory infections (2).

It may also reduce and/or prevent malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia.

4. Berries Support Digestive Health with Fiber
Like many fruits and vegetables, berries offer soluble and insoluble fiber, which is great for cholesterol, digestion, and more.

Their insoluble fiber give your digestive tract a good workout so it stays in good shape.

The soluble fiber reduces cholesterol, promotes immune function, helps balance blood sugars, and supports digestive health.

5. Lemon’s Citric Acid Fights Kidney Stones
Lemons contain powerful citric acid.

This acid can increase urine volume and help prevent kidney stones.

In one study, 11 kidney stone sufferers drank lemonade for 4 years and experience an almost 90% reduction in kidney stone formation (3) (4).

In another study, lemon juice was shown to decrease the calcium in urine, indicating a reduced risk of stone formation (5).

6. Sparkling Water Offers Hydration for the Body
Hydration is very important to whole-body health. Every organ in the body depends on adequate hydration, from the brain to the kidneys to the skin.

When the weather gets hot and humid, it’s extra important to continually hydrate throughout the day. It can help to drink a delicious variety of summer drinks like this Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer.

7. Lemons Support Heart Health
Vitamin C in lemons goes beyond the immune system and can benefit the heart as well.

One study showed that increases in fruit and vegetable intake, especially high-vitamin-C options, reduced heart disease by 4 percent (6).

Other studies have shown reduced blood pressure with increased intake of lemons (7).

8. Lemon Juice May Fight Cancer Cells
Another benefit of lemon antioxidants?

They can fight cancer cells.

In lab studies, lemon extract has killed breast cancer cells. In other studies, lemon juice has stopped the growth of other types of cancer cells (8) (9).


It’s hypothesized that lemons’ compound hesperidin and d-limonene have anti-cancer properties. (10, 11).

9. Berries Can Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
In addition to the heart-healthy benefits of berries’ fiber and antioxidants, they go above and beyond for heart health.

A recent research review found that 100 grams of blueberries consumed daily, for 14 days, was associated with a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (11).

Next, berries support optimal cholesterol readings. In a recent study, researchers found daily berry consumption reduced LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and fasting glucose (12).

10. Lemons Support Healthy, Youthful Skin
Lemon juice is a great anti-aging drink option, and can actually improve skin health.

Again, it’s the antioxidants fighting the free radicals.

Free radical build-up can contribute to aging skin, which results in wrinkles age spots, dryness, and loss of elasticity. Antioxidants, from the outside in, and inside out, may improve this condition (13).

In fact, studies have shown that those who suffer from severe acne often have a high level of oxidative stress in the body (14).

Bottom Line

Every once in awhile, you find a food or drink that tastes great, promotes full-body health, is refreshing and hydration, and keeps you in the Keto Zone. Try our Keto Zone Lemon Berry Spritzer today. And, if you’d like more Keto Zone recipes and tips, join our FREE  Keto Zone 21-Day-Challenge!
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