Healthiest Holidays Ever: What to Eat & How to Handle Falling Off Track (Part 2)
Dr. Don Colbert – If you’re aiming to make this year your healthiest Holidays ever, we are here to help. Earlier last week, we started with a simplified frame of mind with our first post in this 4-part series. Today, it’s tips for what to eat during November and December, and how to get back on track if you fall off.
This 4-part series will cover these topics for your Healthiest Holidays Ever:
Part 1: Begin in the Mind: How to Slow Down, Simplify, and Get Enough Sleep During the Holidays
Part 2 (this post): What to Eat and What to Do When/If You Fall Off-Plan
Part 3: Healthy Habits for Staying Social, Holidays Meals, and Parties
Part 4: How to End One Year With Gratitude and Peace, and Choose Optimism for a New Year
6 Easy Tips for What to Eat During the Holiday Months
The easiest way to stay on track with eating through the Holidays is to focus on what you should eat, day to day. Remember, as we discussed in Part 1, the actual Holidays are only 2-3 days. For the rest of November and December, do your best to eat normally and stay on track (then, the 2-3 days won’t make a big difference in the overall picture).
Day-to-day, you know what to do. Stay in the Keto Zone and/or on track with healthy eating. Here’s what to eat during the Holidays, and what to skip during these months:
1. Eat as much from home as possible. Anytime you eat out, you are risking eating foods that are laden in hidden carbs, sugars, processed fats, and more. You are in control of all of this at home.
2. Avoid processed, quick dinner if possible. TV dinners or other ready-made convenient ones are often high in unhealthy ingredients. Instead, save time with these kitchen time-savings tips.
3. Eat plenty of vegetables, at home, at parties, or when out. Bitter greens, kale, broccoli dishes, salads, fermented vegetables, like Keto Zone Sauerkraut, and more can be a great addition to the feast. If you’ve decided to bring a vegetable dish, use a fun, unique, delicious vegetable recipe to keep it lively and not drab.
4. Whether at home or away, find a healthy protein. Turkey, chicken, seafood, grass-fed beef, venison, and elk are all great choices that will fill you up and keep you from craving other foods.
5. Add healthy fats. Olive oil, avocados, MCT oils, nuts, seeds, and coconut oil are great choices.
6. If you have a get-together that involves sharing cookies or desserts, consider making a healthy one. Try our pumpkin cookies, Keto Zone Pumpkin Pie, Cranberry Tart, or Pumpkin Cashew Cookies.
What to Do if You Get Off Track:
It’s easy to get carried away and overeat during a holiday. But, if you’re trying to stay in the Keto Zone and eat a healthy diet, the indulgence can cause a host of issues in your body including:
• Increased blood sugar and insulin
• Increased fluid retention
• Inflammation
• Weight Gain
If this describes your day-after-Thanksgiving condition, it’s time to get right back on track. One of the best ways to get back is a detox smoothie.
It provides both a physical and mental shift back towards Keto Zone eating. There’s no wallowing in guilt. Here’s what it is and why it works.
Drink it, and consider yourself back on track.
Keto Zone Anti-Bloat Detox Celery Smoothie
• 1.5 cups almond milk
• 1 cup spinach, loosely packed
• ½ cup cucumber, sliced (appox. ¼ medium cucumber)
• ½ cup celery, chopped (appox. 1 medium stalk)
• ½ small avocado (peeled & pitted)
• 1 scoop MCT Oil Powder OR 1 tbsp. coconut oil
• 1 scoop Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder
• 1/2 small beet OR 1 scoop Fermented Green or Red Supremefood (recommend: Apple Cinnamon)
• Optional: 5-10 drops liquid stevia or low-carb sweetener of choice, to taste
1. Into a blender, mix almond milk and spinach. Pulse to break down spinach and make room for the other ingredients.
2. Add all ingredients EXCEPT stevia.
3. Blend for about 1 minute or until creamy.
4. Taste it. If you’ve used flavored MCT Oil Powder and/or Green Supremefood, it may be sweet enough. If not, add stevia (or another low-carb sweetener), to taste.
Nutrition Info: 375 Calories, 25g of Fat, 20g of Protein, 4g of Net Carbs
Detox from Sugar Bloating
If you’ve overeaten, eaten too many carbohydrates, or indulged in sugary desserts during Thanksgiving, there’s a good chance you’re not feeling so hot today. Don’t despair, we’ve got a secret weapon in our detox smoothie: celery.
Sugar can cause damage to the body. But, celery can help you stop the damage, reverse it, and get back on track.
Detox Celery Smoothie to the Rescue
While I’m not encouraging you to ever overeat sugary desserts and carbohydrates, we all live in the real world and know it happens. Rather than pretend it doesn’t, let’s focus on a tool to get you back on track.
One tool is celery and this Keto Zone Celery Detox Smoothie.
Why celery?
Celery has a gentle diuretic effect which quickly normalizes fluid retention without leaving you dehydrated. This beats the bloat.
Next, it’s loaded with nutrients. In fact, celery is:
• A nutrition powerhouse. It contains calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium. In addition, a plethora of vitamins: including vitamins A, C, E, D, B6, B12, and vitamin K as well as thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid and fiber (1).
• Rich in Vitamin C, which promotes good immune function and works as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress.
• A blood pressure reducer. It reduces stress hormones and relaxes arteries to make them more elastic (2).
• A cholesterol-binder. Celery increases bile production which binds cholesterol in the gut and promotes excretion out of the body (3).
A gentle diuretic.
Detox Celery Smoothie Super Ingredients:
The other ingredients in the Detox Celery Smoothie are not exactly slouches. They bolster it to the next level and provide a full-nutrition meal with healthy fats and protein.
Cucumber also promotes gentle diuresis, helping you beat the bloat from extra foods and sugars.
Avocado is full of vitamins and minerals along with health-promoting omega-9 fats and cholesterol-binding fiber.
Spinach provides many phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It’s deep green hue is an indication of health-benefiting chlorophyll.
MCT Oil Powder is a convenient and non-greasy form of the best MCTs available. They are easy-to-digest and produce ketones your brain can use as a super-fuel.
Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, joints, gut function, and more. Additionally, it provides amino acids seldom found in modern diets.
Fermented Green Supremefood, a blend of fermented vegetables and wheatgrass, provides concentrated vitamins and minerals. The fermentation process “opens up” these natural superfoods to get more nutrients out. Plus, it contains healthy bacteria to support digestive and whole-body health.
Bottom Line
Feel better already? You should be. Just knowing you have a tool for such a case as post-Thanksgiving bloat is a good start.
Don’t delay! Blend this up and drink it.
This Keto Zone Anti-Bloat Detox Smoothie has all the nutrition you need to shed the extra water weight, boost energy, and get back into the Keto Zone.
To read the original article click here.
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