Curbing Candida: The Cells That Keep Fungal Infections at Bay
Weizmann Institute of Science via Newswise – Of all the fungi that live in the human body, the most infamous is probably the yeast Candida. This distant cousin of baker’s yeast is notorious…
New Cancer Treatment Fools the Immune System to Attack
Brian Blum via Israel21c – Immunotherapy holds perhaps the greatest promise for fighting cancer in the 21st century. Rather than bombarding the body with toxic chemicals, as in chemotherapy, immunotherapy utilizes the…
Researchers Identify, Test Novel Drug That May Stop Heart Failure Progression
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center via Newswise – COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine have developed a novel drug molecule that…
Leukemia Cure? Patient Still Cancer-Free 11 Years After Innovative Treatment
Lorie Johnson via CBN News – Doug Olson may be 75 years old, but he feels great. He’s still cancer-free 11 years after he potentially faced death from a blood cancer…
Asthma May Reduce Risk of Brain Tumors — But How?
Washington University in St. Louis via Newswise – There’s not much good that can be said about asthma, a breathing disease in which the airways become narrowed and inflamed. But there’s this:…
New Study Offers Possible Immunotherapy Breakthrough for Cancer
Jon Schiller via Israel21c – For cancer immunotherapy to be most effective, a patient’s immune system must be able to “see” the tumor in question. “Hotspots” on cancer cells’ outer membranes can…
White Blood Cells May Be Harnessed to Boost Cancer Immunotherapy
Jon Schiller via Israel21c – White blood cells called Eosinophils can be “summoned” in order to fight cancer by both destroying the cancer cells directly as well as recruiting the immune…
White Blood Cells Can Help Destroy Cancer Cells – Israeli Study
Jerusalem Post Staff via Jerusalem Post– A type of white blood cells known as eosinophils can help the body fight cancer, and are used to fight cancer metastasis (cancer cells breaking away…
Could a Fungus-Derived Compound Reduce Hyperinflammation in Severe COVID-19?
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, BSN via News-Medical – Drug repurposing for COVID-19 helps scientists identify potential drugs to treat COVID-19 without going through the rigorous process of formulation, clinical trials, and…
Antihistamines Might Be Effective in Long-COVID
Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D. via News-Medical – A team of scientists from the United Kingdom has recently revealed the therapeutic benefits of histamine receptor antagonists in reducing long-term symptoms…
Groundbreaking Study Optimizes Patient’s Own Immune System to Fight Tumors
University of Minnesota via News-Medical – A groundbreaking study led by engineering and medical researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities shows how engineered immune cells used in new cancer…
Healthy Diet Plays Vital Role in Warding Off COVID-19
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, BSN via News-Medical Net – The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, with over 62.26 million people infected. With the rapid spread of its causative agent, the…
People May Have a Pre-Existing Immune Response to COVID-19 Thanks to Common Colds
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, BSN via News-Medical Net – A new study shows that some people have immune responses against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes…
Exposure to Common Cold Coronaviruses Can Teach the Immune System to Recognize SARS-CoV-2
La Jolla Institute for Immunology via EurekAlert – Your immune system’s “memory” T cells keep track of the viruses they have seen before. This immune cell memory gives the cells a…
Zinc Deficiency May Be Considered as a Risk Factor for Infectious Diseases
Sechenov University via EurekAlert – Researchers from Sechenov University in collaboration with colleagues from Germany, Greece and Russia reviewed scientific articles on the role of zinc in the prevention and treatment…