Excessive Abdominal Fat Linked to “Shocking” Problem for the Brain
Sara Middleton via NaturalHealth365 – Obesity is not an unusual phenomenon in the Western world. For example, in the United States, you’re actually MORE likely to meet a person carrying…
Bali Secret Grows New Brain Cells
Al Sears, MD, CNS – When I was in Bali, I learned that elephants – which are well known for their long and impressive memories – go to great lengths…
Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Lasting Brain Inflammation
Arizona State University via News-Medical – The human brain is an incredibly adaptable organ, often able to heal itself even from significant trauma. The human brain is an incredibly adaptable organ,…
Are Gender and Sexual Identity Linked to Brain Health?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) via Newswise – LGBTQ+ people may be more likely to have negative brain health outcomes, including a higher risk of dementia and late-life depression, than people…
Engineered ‘Cat Parasite’ Helps Deliver Drugs to Brain
Yulia Karra via Israel21c – Researchers discover method to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and deliver therapeutic proteins via Toxoplasma gondii. Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) recently discovered a method to deliver…
Study: Key Differences in How Male & Female Brains Process Threats
McGill University via News-Medical – A new study has uncovered significant differences in how male and female mice process threats, even as they exhibit similar behavioral responses. The discovery suggests that…
Brain Cell Grafts in Monkeys Jump-Start Human Trial for New Parkinson’s Treatment
University of Wisconsin–Madison via Newswise – People with Parkinson’s disease are receiving a new treatment in a clinical trial started after University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists demonstrated the safety and feasibility of…
Improving Vision with At-Home Brain Exercises
John Jeffay via Israel21c – RevitalVision offers a unique intervention for people with eyesight challenges, treating the brain where images are processed. Doctors told Amit Azulay again and again that she’d never…
New Brain-Computer Interface Allows Man with ALS to ‘Speak’ Again
UC Davis Health via Newswise – Technology developed by UC Davis Health restores interpersonal communication A new brain-computer interface (BCI) developed at UC Davis Health translates brain signals into speech with…
Dad’s Quest to Aid Son Leads to Stroke-Recovery Technology
John Jeffay via Israel21c – BRAIN.Q helmet’s tailored, low-intensity, low-frequency electromagnetic stimulation aims to enhance and accelerate the brain’s recovery after stroke. Yaron Segal has, like many thousands of enterprising Israelis, identified…
New Research Promises Advances to Brain Cancer Treatment
Zachy Hennessey via Israel21c – By starving tumors of glucose, researchers may have found an innovative way of selectively killing cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. A team of researchers at Ben-Gurion…
Loneliness: Greater Negative Impact on Memory Than Social Isolation?
University of Waterloo via News-Medical – About a third of Canadians feel lonely, and a study from the University of Waterloo shows it has a greater negative impact on memory than…
Breakthrough UC San Diego Brain Recording Device Receives FDA Approval for a Clinical Trial
University of California San Diego via Newswise – The Federal Drug Administration approved a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of an electronic grid that records brain activity during surgery, developed…
Embracing Your Comfort Zone Can Help Rewire Your Brain/Create New Healthy Habits
Dr. Caroline Leaf – In this podcast (episode #485) and blog, I talk to bestselling author, editor and journalist Adam Bornstein about his latest book You Can’t Screw This Up, the…
New Technique Connects Lab-Grown “Neural Organoids” to Resemble Brain Circuits
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo via News-Medical – Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is extremely prevalent among adults, affecting over 800 million individuals worldwide. The idea of growing a…