Toxic Fragrance Chemicals Cause Over a Dozen Adverse Health Reactions
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – The dangers of secondhand smoke are well known. But what about the dangers of “secondhand scents? According to a recent…
Swap Out Hazardous Household Cleaning Products for These 8 Nontoxic Alternatives
Stephanie Woods via NaturalHealth365 – Every day we use products to clean our homes, sanitize surfaces, and freshen the air, all in the name of creating…
Environmental Toxins Linked to Rise in Chronic Health Issues Among Children
Stephanie Woods via NaturalHealth365 – Since when did it become normal for kids to have chronic illnesses? More and more children are diagnosed with chronic health…
How Exercise Interventions Could Help People With Asthma
University of East Anglia via Newswise – Interventions aimed at promoting physical activity in people with asthma could improve their symptoms and quality of life – according…
Asthma May Reduce Risk of Brain Tumors — But How?
Washington University in St. Louis via Newswise – There’s not much good that can be said about asthma, a breathing disease in which the airways become narrowed…
Novel Therapeutic Strategies May Finally Bring Relief to Those Suffering from Asthma and Allergies
Rutgers University’s Office for Research via Newswise – Asthma and allergies are chronic health conditions that continue to adversely impact the quality of life for many around…
Hay Fever: Natural Ways to Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Kathleen McCoy, BS via Dr. Axe – What makes spring so beautiful for many people leads to misery for those who suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms. Fresh-cut…
Common Asthma Drug May Help People Fight COVID: ‘It Should Reduce Hospitalizations by Around Half’
Lorie Johnson via CBN News – Scientists are looking into whether a drug commonly used by people with asthma and other breathing conditions can also be…
One Way to Treat Asthma and Autoimmune Diseases with Diet
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM via Nutrition Facts – Cutting two teaspoons of salt’s worth of sodium from one’s daily diet can significantly improve lung function in asthmatics.…
A Plant-Based Diet Helps to Prevent and Manage Asthma, According to New Review
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine via EurekAlert – A plant-based diet can help prevent and manage asthma, while dairy products and high-fat foods raise the…