Discover How Magnesium Helps to Support a Calm and Clear Mind
Sara Middleton via NaturalHealth365 – Are you or someone you love one of the 300+ million people living with an anxiety disorder? If you are, we don’t blame you for…
Increase Magnesium to Fight Modern-Day Diseases
Al Sears, MD, CNS – It troubles me deeply that conventional doctors don’t pay any attention to your magnesium levels… Especially these days when new research reveals that this miracle…
How to Improve Your Bone, Skin and Hair Health Naturally
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – Horsetail – a tall, shaggy weed that grows in wetlands and woodlands throughout North America – may not appear particularly valuable, attractive, or therapeutic. Yet this…
Concerned With Brittle Bones? Discover 4 Natural Ways to Support Bone Health
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – Osteoporosis, characterized by porous, brittle bones, and low bone mass currently affects 54 million Americans – with potentially debilitating consequences. Because this age-related condition often shows…
Proper Nutrient Intake Promotes Longevity, Study Suggests
News Staff via NaturalHealth365 – We’ve all heard it’s important to take in enough vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. A healthy, balanced diet is essential to looking and feeling your best.…
Frontline Doctors Develop Protocol to Help Those Injured by COVID Jab
Sara Middleton via NaturalHealth365 – Since the late 1980s, the number of petitions filed with the United States National Injury Compensation Program (VICP) seeking compensation for injury or death caused by…
Banish Tension Headaches With Time-Honored Remedies
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – Stress seems to be built into our daily lives, whether created by looming work deadlines, nerve-wracking traffic jams, or the never-ending demands of parenthood. And for…
Minerals Can Be Key to Healing Damaged Tissue
Texas A&M University via Newswise – Every species, from bacteria to humans, is capable of regeneration. Regeneration is mediated by the molecular processes that regulate gene expression to control tissue renewal,…
Antidepressant Alternatives Better Than Prozac
Al Sears, MD, CNS – Most doctors will tell you depression is caused by a “chemical imbalance” in the brain that leads to low serotonin levels. And once you increase…
Blackstrap Molasses Benefits, Nutrition and How to Use
Christine Ruggeri, CHHC via Dr. Axe – Blackstrap molasses is commonly used as a natural sweetener and sugar alternative. It has a unique, rich flavor, contains many micronutrients and has a moderate…
Nature’s Tranquilizer for Better Sleep
Al Sears, MD, CNS – Not being able to get a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest complaints I hear from my patients… and it seems to increase as…
Black Bean Brownies Recipe
Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN – Rich, chocolatey, decadent brownies definitely are a dessert option that makes many mouths water. The only problem is most brownies are loaded with sugar…
THIS Fruit Is One of the World’s Best Sources of Vitamin C
Sara Middleton via NaturalHealth365 – Vitamin C is known as a powerful antioxidant and immune system supporter. While it’s found naturally in many foods, vitamin C is also a wonderful nutritional…
Top Nutrients to Slash Your Risk of Bone Fracture
Stephanie Woods via NaturalHealth365 – Bone loss is widely considered to be just another part of the aging process. In fact, many conventionally-trained physicians believe that it is perfectly “understandable” for…
Does Zinc Inhibit or Promote Growth of Kidney Stones? Well, Both
University of Houston via EurekAlert – A funny thing happened on the way to discovering how zinc impacts kidney stones – two different theories emerged, each contradicting the other. One: Zinc…