Does Marijuana Affect Weight Gain or Bone Density?
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM via Nutrition Facts – Are the apparent adverse effects of heavy cannabis use on the bone just due to users being thinner? It’s been recognized for…
How to Improve Your Bone, Skin and Hair Health Naturally
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – Horsetail – a tall, shaggy weed that grows in wetlands and woodlands throughout North America – may not appear particularly valuable, attractive, or therapeutic. Yet this…
Top Nutrients to Slash Your Risk of Bone Fracture
Stephanie Woods via NaturalHealth365 – Bone loss is widely considered to be just another part of the aging process. In fact, many conventionally-trained physicians believe that it is perfectly “understandable” for…
Excess Caffeine Intake May Be Linked to Increased Risk of Osteoporosis
University of South Australia via News-Medical – University of South Australia researchers have a bone to pick when it comes to drinking too much coffee as new research finds that excess…
Vegan Diet Affects Bone Health, Shows Study
BfR Federal Institute for Risk Assessment via News-Medical – The vegan diet is on trend. How this type of diet affects health is the subject of scientific studies. In a new…
The Dangers of Magnesium Deficiency
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD via NaturalHealth365 – Probably the single most important property of magnesium in the body is its ability to act as a natural biological antagonist to calcium.…
7 Tips to Enjoy Your Best Health During Menopause
Dr. Don Colbert – Did you know menopause can begin in your 40s, 50s, or 60s? While the average age is 51-52 years, many women begin experiencing symptoms like emotional…
Heat and Gut Microbiota Promote Stronger Bones
University of Geneva via News-Medical Net – Osteoporosis, a bone disease linked to ageing, is characterized by a loss of bone density, micro-architectural deterioration of the bones and an increased risk of…
The Effect of Antibiotics on Bone Mass
Chloe Bennett, B.Sc. via News-Medical Net – Novel research has found a link between the antibacterial and antifungal agent triclosan and an increased prevalence of osteoporosis in American females. Researchers…