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Father’s Day Special: Testosterone Help for Dad’s Health

Dr. Don Colbert – It’s been said that hormones are at the center of health. For men, testosterone is a key health component and their entire life is affected when testosterone is low. In fact, a dad’s health is strongly linked to testosterone throughout his lifetime.

As with other hormones, the endocrine system uses testosterone as a chemical messenger to communicate with the body. These hormones control and coordinate the body’s internal metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, and its response to injury, stress, and environmental factors. It’s easy to see how they can drastically affect the body’s well-being when out of balance.

This Father’s Day, let’s put dad’s health and wellbeing in the spotlight.  It starts with testosterone. When testosterone is low a man’s entire health and lifestyle can feel “off”. How can you help the men you love?

Knowledge is power. Here’s what testosterone is, signs when testosterone is low, why modern life is detrimental to testosterone, and tips to keep it firing!

Testosterone Is the Primary Male Sex Hormone and Paramount to Dad’s Health

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it is produced by the testicles. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland control its production, including how much and when.

Testosterone is responsible for male sexual characteristic development.

Women also produce testosterone, but in smaller amounts than men. In females, testosterone also contributes to sex drive, bone density, and muscle strength, and having too low of levels can be an issue. But in women, excessive levels are monitored. Excesses can cause women to experience male pattern baldness and infertility (1).

For a dad’s health, testosterone is believed to regulate and balance many functions including:

  • Sex drive
  • Fat distribution, bone mass, muscle size, and strength
  • Sperm count and development of mature sperm
  • Red blood cell production

It is a vital component of men’s health, and there are many concerns when testosterone is low.

Signs Testosterone Is Low

As a man ages, he may experience diminishing testosterone. There are many symptoms, but it can be difficult to diagnose as some of them are similar and associated with normal aging. Signs that testosterone is low include (2):

  • Mood changes and decreased libido
  • Diminished erectile quality, particularly at night
  • Reduced cognitive function
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Decreased body hair and skin changes
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased bone mass and bone mineral density
  • An increase in abdominal fat mass

Low testosterone is also a health concern. It is associated with higher mortality and chronic conditions such as depressed moods, heart issues, metabolism problems, high blood sugars, and more. Unfortunately, treating conditions with medication, and even the diseases themselves, can also cause low testosterone…a vicious cycle (3).

Reasons Testosterone Is Low in Many Males

First of all, testosterone naturally declines by about 1.6% every year as males age, typically after age 40 (4). By age 60, most men experience testosterone levels low enough to be diagnosed as hypogonadism in a younger man.

Second, there are a myriad of reasons testosterone is low in men, from injury to sickness to advanced age to modern day lifestyle. They include:

  • Use of certain medications
  • Injury to or infection in the testes
  • Chronic health issues, including abnormal blood sugars, weight gain, autoimmune conditions, and kidney and liver malfunction
  • Disorders that affect the hormones, such as pituitary tumors or high prolactin levels
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Advanced age  – as life expectancy, increases, testosterone is lower with each year

Lastly, many aspects of modern life seem to be causing a more rapid decline in males now than in former generations. In fact, the current rate of hypogonadism in 45-year-old males is about 40% and climbing.

What’s more, the diagnosis of low testosterone has increased by 170% since 2012 in men over 60 years, and the issue of generational low testosterone is being seen across the world in the United States, the Netherlands, and Australia, among other locations worldwide (6, 7).

Modern-day testosterone diminishers include obesity (8), chronic medication use, sedentary lifestyles, environmental pollutants including pesticides, chemical exposure including BPA’s, chemicals in coolants, and antibacterial agents that mimic estrogens (9), and more.

Father’s Day Solution: Introducing Testofen and Testosterone Zone for Dad’s Health

Thankfully, there is a new Keto Zone formulation to support dad’s health and testosterone levels. This new supplement is called Testosterone Zone.

Testosterone Zone’s primary active ingredient is Testofen. It is a potent aid for men’s health.

Testofen is a specialized fenugreek seed extract. It has been found to support men’s health, improve testosterone levels when testosterone is low, and even promote health and sexual function in healthy aging males.

In fact, in one landmark study, researchers gave 120 healthy men aged between 43-70 years an active treatment of Testofen or placebo for 12 weeks.

The results?

The men who received Testofen reported fewer androgen deficiency symptoms. They also experienced improved sexual function and higher serum testosterone, both total serum and free testosterone. These results continued after the initial experimentation.

Testofen was safe and effective in reducing low testosterone symptoms and improving testosterone levels in this study (10). Other studies also support Testofen’s efficacy (11).

Keto Zone Testosterone Zone Does More

Just as Hormone Zone supports women’s hormones for balanced levels, Testosterone Zone is men’s answer to testosterone imbalance – just in time for Father’s Day!

Along with Testofen, Dr. Colbert formulated it specifically with all-natural, potent ingredients that support men’s overall health and testosterone levels.

Keto Zone Plus Testosterone

For dad’s best health and testosterone levels, a whole-body healthy lifestyle is paramount. In addition to daily Testosterone Zone, getting into the Keto Zone can help dad feel energized, lose weight, and regain vitality. Together, Testosterone Zone and Keto Zone are a surefire combination for dad’s wellness!

Bottom Line

When testosterone is low, dad’s health suffers. It can be debilitating. And, more and more men are suffering from low testosterone than ever before.

Thankfully, Dr. Colbert has a new answer with Keto Zone Testosterone Zone. It’s safe, effective, and an all-natural formulation designed to support men’s health and testosterone balance.

To read the original article click here.
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