Food Safety Alert: Many GF Foods Contaminated with Glyphosate & Other Agrochemicals
Olivia Cook via Natural News – Recent tests on both organic and non-organic gluten-free food samples have produced disturbing results that could affect at least…
Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Increased Risk of Kidney Disease
Lori Alton via NaturalHealth365 – An epidemic has been growing around the world, yet it remains largely unacknowledged in the United States. This epidemic is…
3 Ways BIG AG Is Poisoning Our Food Supply
Patrick Tims via NaturalHealth365 – Big agriculture is in the spotlight now that the public is learning about how the industry’s cost-cutting ways have resulted in…
This Chemical in Our Food ‘Will Actually Perforate the Wall of the Gut’: Doc Reveals Secrets to Living Longer, Healthier
Lorie Johnson via CBN News – A disturbing new study reveals that a dangerous chemical has been found in the urine of a vast majority of…
Report Reveals SHOCKING Level of Glyphosate Contamination in Foods Sold by Top Grocery Stores
Wendy Miller via NaturalHealth365 – Do you ever wonder what is in your food? Most people blindly believe that if you buy from a “good…
Fast Food DISASTER: Industrial Chemicals Found Inside Many Samples, NEW Study
Stephanie Woods via NaturalHealth365 – If you love fast food like nearly 37% of the United States population who eat it a day, you may be…
Is Wheat the Problem? Or Is It Pesticides? A Surprising Factor in Celiac Disease
Leah Zerbe, MS, NASM-CPT, NASM-CES via Dr. Axe – If you’ve been dealing with ongoing gastrointestinal (GI) issues — diarrhea, nausea, pain and bloating — the cause may…
Glyphosate Toxicity Alert: How America’s #1 Weedkiller Tricks Your Body Into Absorbing It
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc via Dr. Axe – When you’re creating a meal or spraying a stray dandelion in your yard, you probably don’t think about…
How Many Chemicals Will the American Public Be Inhaling After Lockdown?
Lori Alton via NaturalHeath365 – Natural health experts have long warned of the adverse effects of inhaled chemicals from household cleaners, with recent Harvard research validating…