Bone Fractures, Lung Cancer, and Vitamin B12 Supplements?
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM via Nutrition Facts – What do randomized controlled trials of high-dose daily vitamin B12 supplementation show about its effects on cancer risk, death, and longevity? In…
New App Offers Relief for Parents Mourning the Loss of a Child
Uppsala University via News-Medical – A new study shows that an app can help parents who are mourning the loss of a child. Parents who used the app for three months…
US Drug-Related Infant Deaths More Than Doubled from 2018 to 2022
Florida Atlantic University via EurekAlert! – A new study by Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine has uncovered a disturbing trend in drug-related infant deaths in the United States from…
Study: 35% of Excess Deaths in Pandemic’s Early Months Tied to Causes Other Than COVID-19
Virginia Commonwealth University via EurekAlert – Since COVID-19’s spread to the United States earlier this year, death rates in the U.S. have risen significantly. But deaths attributed to COVID-19 only account…
All Sodas Including Diet Increase Risk of Premature Death
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, BSN via News Medical-Net – Soft drinks are frequently consumed by people of all ages, but whether this consumption is linked with high risk of premature death…