Novel Way to Protect Your Lungs
Al Sears, MD, CNS – The recovery rate from Covid-19 is about 99.75%. Fortunately, most people who have had it won’t have any long-lasting damage. Unfortunately, in about 5% percent…
Could Beta-Blockers Be a Potential Treatment for COVID-19?
Interview conducted by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. via News-Medical Net – News-Medical spoke to researchers Dr. Nirmal Robinson, Dr. Vincenzo Desiderio, and Dr. Antonio Barbieri about their latest research into beta-blockers, and…
Radboud University Medical Center Research: Most Lungs Recover Well After COVID-19
Radbound University Medical Center via EurekAlert – Lung tissue of patients who suffered severely from COVID-19 shows good recovery in most cases. This was revealed by a study carried out by…
Healthy Diet Plays Vital Role in Warding Off COVID-19
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, BSN via News-Medical Net – The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, with over 62.26 million people infected. With the rapid spread of its causative agent, the…
FDA Approves First COVID-19 Drug: Antiviral Remdesivir
Associated Press via CBN News – US regulators on Thursday approved the first drug to treat COVID-19: remdesivir, an antiviral medicine given to hospitalized patients through an IV. The drug, which California-based…
COVID Doc Says Hydroxychloroquine ‘Highly Effective’ and Fears Are Overblown – Now FDA Chief Admits It Might Help
Lori Johnson via CBN News – A Tennessee physician has a message for COVID-19 patients: Use hydroxychloroquine “if you can find a doctor with guts enough to prescribe it.” Meanwhile, the US…
Scientists Identify Drug They Hope Can Downgrade COVID-19 to Common Cold Level
Israel21c staff via Israel21c – Researchers show the coronavirus causes lungs to accumulate fat, so a cholesterol-lowering drug may help downgrade the virus threat to that of common cold. Could a well-known…
CBD May Help Reduce Cytokine Storm and Excessive Lung Inflammation in COVID-19
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University via News-Medical Net – Cannabidiol, or CBD, may help reduce the cytokine storm and excessive lung inflammation that is killing many patients with COVID-19,…