Heart Attack Risk Goes UP With the Consumption of Artificial Sweeteners, New Study
News Staff via NaturalHealth365 – It’s no secret that too much sugar is bad for your health. But what about artificial sweeteners? In case you didn’t notice, the mainstream media barely says a word about this toxic creation.
Unfortunately, too many people still consume artificial sweeteners … thinking they’re “better” than real sugar. The fact is there are many respected researchers and medical doctors like, Dr. Russell Blaylock warning the public about the dangers of artificial sweeteners. For example, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) suggests artificial sweetener consumption may be linked to heart attacks!
WARNING: Study Links Artificial Sweeteners to Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Artificial sweeteners are suspected of contributing to a whole slew of health problems. However, researchers have struggled to come to a consensus on just how harmful they might be.
The new BMJ study reveals a shocking link between sweeteners and heart attack risk. The study looked at information on over 100,000 participants in France. At the beginning of the study, the average participant’s age was 42, and the majority were female.
The study followed people for an average of 9 years. First of all, participants filled out personal information such as their physical activity level, diet, smoking status, and jobs.
The web-based study then tracked artificial sweetener dietary consumption, which included numerous popular brand-name sweeteners. The study concluded that higher intakes of artificial sweeteners were associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
Aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium were especially linked to the increased risk of heart disease. This is especially concerning, considering that artificial sweeteners are widespread in many processed foods.
But Wait, That’s Not All! Obesity Is a Real Danger
Besides the ominous heart disease concerns, artificial sweeteners have been singled out as increasing the risk of other diseases as well. Yet, many people still use them for health reasons.
Those with diabetes mellitus, dental issues, or reactive hypoglycemia tend to think these sweeteners will help them to avoid blood sugar spikes. Many other people also use them to substitute sugar and avoid calories when trying to lose weight.
However, animal studies have suggested worrisome links that sugar substitutes promote carcinogenicity, obesity, and weight gain. Given their widespread use, artificial sweeteners may soon be re-evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority and the World Health Organization.
How to Improve Heart Health Through Diet
Considering the recent BMJ study, the smartest choice would be to avoid artificial sweeteners. Even though there is disagreement among the scientific community on just how detrimental artificial sweeteners might be, why take the risk with your health?
Eliminating or minimizing processed foods from your diet goes a long way toward improving your overall health. Besides cutting out unhealthy foods, there are several simple things you can do to keep your heart and body healthy.
Consuming a diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts is beneficial for your cardiovascular system. Additionally, healthy fats like avocado and coconut are great for your heart. Ultimately, a natural, organic diet is a wonderful way to promote heart health.
Additionally, lifestyle changes like consistent exercise, adequate sleep, avoiding alcohol consumption and developing a more positive mindset will contribute to a strong, healthy heart.
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